It’s like a white onion-fleshed pumpkin tiny black eyes and round paper hairs laughing white collars minced muted in the huffing dry morning wind that jingled like fish bones…
the black felt loam seeped hungrily and the waxy pepper stones puffed green tongued cactus with red hat thorny flowers seeped lazy in their thirst searching in their proteceted nakedness in the bottom of Arizona’s ocean…
the sun stroked the grey fleshed drunk curtains and a lizard flipped off like a star of scales ‘n pukedafly of a yoke yellow throaty chirp…
a senseless dust devil sucked the brush debris chimney soaring invisible waterfalls and drenched the still mirror…
a joshua grated and danced a crow on each hand finger it’s green straw hat tipped off balance ‘n web-like in spoken myth whispers…
deserted lady beautiful barren… a kangaroo rat swalloed it’s cotton nest from a feathered shadow jerking… her face tatooed with life forever…
a picket fence poked the wet morning apron and ran around a tree…
she grew old while she was young so she could be young the rest of her life…
purple mounding dances doped in stunned mirages
Don V.V. is easy to get involved with for me in all his creations . He inspires me to create something of my own and does not ever intimidate me like some technically amazing but dull art does.
Maybe it took a while to get him but after that phase I FEEL the thrillls! yet Im everso relaxed as I emerse into the images and thoughts and feelings and meanings of his stuff.
He is not as surreal as some complain because ,for example, pumpkins really do span the hills with orange crayola patches. Its observant of him .
All his’play dont work’ is helpful and encouraging to the artist/musician in me/us.
He has some punk in his heart,and a lot of that ‘here is 3 chords-now form a band’ spirit.
I enjoy watching some people starting to really get into him after being revulsed at first.
Who else is there? He is a wonder and his whole attack is so obviously the way to go and be.
It is a suprise to me that we are not all very much more like him…. or are we ? ha!!!!!! ha!!!
Feel exactly the same as Gus above. His stuff isn’t challenging for me anymore, not sure it ever was. I just got it, he doesn’t appeal to lots, you’re never gonna when you do this sort of this.
But he most definitely stands alone as an innovator, original and pure artist.