The Spotlight Kid lyrics

Originally appeared on The Spotlight Kid

Said the momma t’ the baby in the corn
You are my first born
You shall here on in be known as The Spotlight Kid
‘N the mornin’ cry of the rooster
The baby lay alone
‘N the old cow in the green grass
Shed white tears in the red hot sun
‘N The Spotlight Kid stood under the moon that evenin’

Givin’ her alibis ‘n eatin’ her a la modes

‘N the ice cream man searchin’ high ‘n low

For his a la modes foe his a la modes
‘N the green frogs croakin’ around his abode
‘N the mud cat pond by the old willow road
All night the village waited ‘n The Spotlight Kid never showed
She was up on the mountain
Tellin’ her alibis ‘n eatin’ her a la modes
Momma still knew she was the one
She was the one who stole the pie from old Momma Eye
Window bare rockin’ chair groanin’ like ah grizzly bear
‘N the ice cream man searchin’ high ‘n low
For his a la modes for his a la modes
All night the village waited ‘n The Spotlight Kid never showed
She was up on the mountain tellin’ her alibis
‘N eatin’ her a la modes


Transcribed by Michael Stanowski

1 Comment

  1. The song that introduced me to the Capt. in 1972. I was hitch hiking back to Boston from S. Jersey and met some old friends in Philly. We dropped…and they put this on the “stereo” and I’ve never been the same.

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