DH: Don, it’s been five years since you last came to England and played. What have you been doing since? DVV: Trying to get the right group to play my music. DH: Aha – you had a lot of trouble? DVV: It wasn’t that much trouble, it was just a lot of childish nonsense, you know, like, uh, with the other group – I mean it takes a long time to get to play what I do. Now I have the perfect thing. Wait till they hear this group. DH: You reckon this band is better than any band you had before? DVV: Best, ohRead More →

Sent to me by Sheldon Reber, bought at a show on 22nd January 1981 in Arcata, California. The striking poster was designed by Jere Smith and, not surprisingly, got a mention from Don a few tunes into the show. The Red Pepper is a bar / bowling alley / cheesy disco, hence Don’s bowling shirt and pins in the illustration. Many thanks to Sheldon for sending this along.Read More →

Sent to me by Charles Holzhauer, from a show on 5th December 1976 at Todd Barkan’s Keystone Korner in San Francisco. Featuring (as you can see) a Van Vliet sketch. Charles wrote about this evening: My friend Paul suggested that I go to an Italian cafe down the street and order a “two day espresso” (the Keystone was in Italian North Beach). I did so, and was soon bouncing off the walls. I knew the bartender at the Keystone, who was sometimes able to get me in free on the guest list, and I could hang around after shows. This I did, and helped DennyRead More →

This flyer was kindly sent along by Ken Shaddock who was lucky enough to be at the gig… Ken writes: Back in early ’71, CB&TMB toured through Austin, Texas. This is the flyer for that concert. I have looked for weeks for this flyer, praying that I had not thrown it away! The concert, of course, was incredible. Held at the Armadillo World Headquarters, it was filled to capacity with Beefheart fans. I think this must have been just after Lick My Decals Off, Baby had been released. I was absolutely amazed at these guys and their performance. I had seen many of the majorRead More →