1969.03 Aquarius Theater – photos

A few photographs have surfaced taken at the Trout Mask Replica band’s only live gig. This was at the Aquarius Theater in Los Angeles on 31st March 1969.

Find out more about the Aquarius show.

Thanks to R. Michael DeChellis for permission to post his photographs here on the Radar Station. You can get good quality copies at his website and while you’re there check the other bands’ photos too – https://www.dechellisphotography.com/ (Note: website address updated July 2022)

Here are two of Don with his sax:

1969 - Aquarius - 02 - Captain Beefheart

1969 - Aquarius - 01 - Captain Beefheart

And here in all his sartorial splendour is Jeff Cotton (aka Antennae Jimmy Semens):

1969 - Aquarius - 03 - Jeff Cotton




  1. Wow! The Jeff Cotton photo – that is seriously out there. Love it.

  2. GREAT Find Steve.. Looks like another Frame-job!

  3. PS. There seems to be no listing for Captain Beefheart And His Magic Band photos on the rmdechellis site.. but I found the one of Jeff Cotton under “The Mothers Of Invention”(?)

    1. Author

      Yes,there isn’t a separate listing for Beefheart and he hadn’t realised that was a photo of Jeff. When I contacted him to see if he had others he sent me the two of Don. Not sure why he hasn’t put them all up there.

  4. Unfortunately, the Michael DeChellis web site is down. Would love to buy some prints of these. If anyone knows where to find him, please let me know. Thanks!
    -Eddie W.
    San Dimas, Calif.

  5. Pretty sure Cotton wore that same get up for the entirety of 1969, lol. Legendary era!

  6. Fantastic!
    Trout Mask Replica is among my top 5 records ever!

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