There are a few of us diligently working on keeping this site up to date. Please choose the most appropriate person to deal with your message. If you are at all unsure, just send it to me ( and I’ll try to deal with it.

Site manager and editor

Graham Johnston:
Graham on Twitter: @CaptBeefheart
General comments and queries to me please. However, I can be very slow to respond, sorry, as I work for the NHS and life is really quite full…

Discographer, bibliographer and news editor

Steve Froy:
Please send any news or comments, corrections and info about the discography or bibliography to Steve.
Steve’s personal website: Frog’s Eye (lots of Beefheart here too)


Jeff Economy:
Jeff on Twitter@economyfilms
Jeff is compiling details about Beefheart’s television appearances and concert recordings. If you have any information you’d like to share with him, please drop him a line.