Regular staff and contributors:

Site manager

Graham Johnston:

Discographer and bibliographer

Steve Froy:

Other thank yous:

Countless others have offered advice, comments, support, material, and assistance with The Radar Station since it was created. I would like to make a special mention of these few, without whom…

  • Derek Laskie for several years serving as our news editor, sniffng out great stories and trivia of all kinds.
  • Conor McMahon for hosting the Fire Party discussion list.
  • James Silberbauer for writing a very nifty utility to help me keep up to date with the old guestbook and traders’ message board entries.
  • Dave Pearce and Mark Sheppard for hosting in the early years and providing helpful answers to my stupid questions.
  • Mike Sheckett for all his work on Filtered Thru Dust Speakers.
  • Justin Sherrill for constant advice and assistance in the early years, and also for sending me an unbelievable amount of material, including the contents of his entire website.
  • Brainpang for articles, tapes, friendly support, rallying the troops and even a few choice duplicates from his Beefheart singles collection.
  • Rob Fawcett for his time as the Radar Station’s news editor.
  • Benjamin Horrendous for lending me his rare Beefheart videos and his hosting of the excellent Fire Party People pages.
  • Charles Holzhauer for a big box worth of excellent live tapes and useful articles.
  • Michael Scott for all his work slaving over a hot scanner. The paintings gallery would be a lot smaller without Michael’s help.
  • Detlef Juergens for his help scanning paintings and offering useful corrections, helping to make the site more accurate than it would otherwise be.
  • Stewart Osborne for his invaluable support, enthusiasm and stupid sense of humour.
  • David Naughton for his much needed proof reading, error checking and general helpful advice.
  • Ness for never once complaining when I stick the Captain in the stereo yet again (except first thing in the morning).


Several visitors have also helped out with financial donations when money was tight to pay for server space, telephone bills, software, etc. A very big thank you to these people without whom there would be no Radar Station:

Bruno Ghezzi, Steve Froy, Hans Van Hulst, Stewart Osborne, Brainpang, Rick Snow, Richard Rainey, Dave Speake, John McLaughlin and Edward Coulson.

Many thanks, all.