Full discography of Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band albums, bootlegs, tributes, related releases and ex-member recordings.
Official releases
Related releases
- Collaborations / albums featuring Don Van Vliet
- Magic Band member recordings
- Related recordings and covers (this area is still under construction so please bear with us!)
- Miscellaneous samplers and compilation albums
- Beefheart on film soundtracks
- DVDs and videos (Note: this is still a work in progress)
Unofficial, bootleg and semi-legit releases
A large proportion of the information available in this section was originally available at Justin Sherill’s Home Page Replica, compiled by the late Gerry Pratt. Many thanks to both of them for all their hard work, and to Justin for handing it over to the Radar Station to update it and keep it available.
Ever since 2001 Steve Froy has done a magnificent job of maintaining and expanding the discography. Please send any discography-related comments, corrections or info to him at steve@beefheart.com. All other inquiries should be sent to graham@beefheart.com
This section is eternally under construction. If you are able to correct or complete any information here, please drop Steve a line.