She can burn you up in bed
Just like she said
Cos she’s a Hot Head, Hot Head, Hot Head
She can throw uh pot t’show(?)
She can start a fire aglow
Cos she’s a Hot Head, Hot Head, Hot Head
She puts her head into the fire
Makes you red hot perspire
Cos she’s a Hot Head, Hot Head, Hot Head
She was burnt before she was born
Burnin’ up a storm
Cos she’s a Hot Head, Hot Head, Hot Head
Lick out like flame
‘n’ burn you to a shame
‘n’ bite the burnin’ flame
Things are burnin’ big
She’s a red hot pig
She’s a hobo wire toaster
She’s a circle on a spit
She’s a Hot Head, Hot Head, Hot Head
She can stitch you to a wheel
Take you to her fire
‘n’ spin you round ‘n’ round
Boy, you take you down
Fire Fire Fire
She’s a Hot Head, Hot Head, Hot Head
Burn you up in bed
Just like she said
Cos she’s a Hot Head, Hot Head, Hot Head
She can lick out like a flame
Burn you to a shame
Yeah, bite a burnin’ flame
She can burn you up in bed
Coil you up instead
Cos she’s a Hot Head, Hot Head, Hot Head
She can throw uh pot t’show (?)
She can start a fire aglow
Based on lyric sheet from the Japanese release of Doc at the Radar Station. Amendments by Steve Froy
The line before ‘She’s a red hot pig’ , is what got me here. I don’t hear the word ‘Things’ at the beginning.
What do you hear?