Cross Poked a Shadow of a Crow #1

Cross Poked a Shadow of a Crow #1

Oil on Canvas

58 x 48 inches / 147.5 x 122cm


  1. black on black

    black and wild
    very angry
    spitting at the cat
    the cat tries to fly
    but is just jumping down

    there is a black gun
    pointing upwards
    something is sure to suffer

    would a cat
    imitate a crow
    not to that extent
    but there is a crow
    looking a bit like a cat
    a black cat of course
    you can only be black
    whether in daylight
    or in dark shadow

  2. I found my way here because I’m a John Frusciante fan – he is an American guitarist of Red Hot Chili Peppers fame. Scarlet Page, daughter of Jimmy, took a brilliant photo of JF standing in front of Cross Poked Shadow of a Crow #1. I’m assuming JF owns the painting, plus another called Whalebone Farmhouse? I believe both hang in his recording studio, in his Los Angeles home.

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