The other day, I was grinding and polishing a stony meteorite (as one does), and after polishing, there, leering out from the polished surface, was the captains face. I know this sounds rather like those names of Allah found in aubergines and such, but I’ll get a friend to photo this and send you the image in case you might want to put it on your site – it really is quite astonishing.
The image is best viewed small on the screen, about 10 cm x 10 cm, otherwise the detail obscures the image. The meteorite is a piece of one called NWA869. Thanks to George Wake for sending this in.
Love that. Thanks for seeing.
That doesn’t surprise me one bit.
Thanks for keeping this on your site for a long time. I still have the meteorite, and treasure it.
‘Gimme that old time religion, it’s good enough for me (don van Vliet on ‘Moonlight on Vermont’