Track list
As the original Safe As Milk, but also with:
- Safe As Milk (take 5)
- On Tomorrow
- Big Black Baby Shoes
- Flower pot
- Dirty Blue Gene
- Trust Us (take 9)
- Korn Ring Finger
All of the above tunes, apart from Korn Ring Finger, were previously available on the now deleted I May Be Hungry But I Sure Ain’t Weird Sequel collection. The Safe As Milk album has been thoroughly re-mastered, bringing significant improvements in sound quality. Packaging is based upon the original vinyl release, with new sleevenotes by John Platt.
A small press item appeared announcing this release.
Released on 1st June 1999 on Buddha Records, distributed by BMG, catalogue number 7446599605-2.
The CD:
- Radar Station’s review (along with the reissue of The Mirror Man Sessions).
- Cosmic Soldier Back In The Fray With New Discs by Tom Moon. This review looks at all the Beefheart discs issued in 1999 (Grow Fins, The Dust Blows Forward, Safe As Milk and The Mirror Man Sessions) and was taken from the 27th June 1999 Philidelphia Inquirer.
This record made realise anything is possible.
Except self-correction?